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i'm majoring in Japanese now.And i've learned Japanese for over three years. The difference between English and Japanese grammar always confused me when I try to speak English.lol

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


1th April, 2010
I started my new life in a different country. The country which is in the urban and have polite culture, and fresh air. I love this country so much that although after I came back to my country-Taiwan, I can’t make me to stop reminding of it.
The country is-SAGA!!
So, where is SAGA? It’s in the North of Kyushu in Japan. It is next to the biggest city, also the most comfortable city to live-Fukuoka. Even though Saga is not really a city, but because it is next to the big city, so we can live in this country conveniently.
So, I love my daily life in SAGA, where I’ve been lived in for one year.
And I would like to share many things about Japan happened in SAGA .


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow! How great to study abroad in Japan. But I think it's lucky for you not to stay there in this year. You must know the horrible tregedy there. I hope you and your friends there are safe and well.

  3. I have heard of some books called supergrandma in SAGA~haha! I love Japan too, I have been Kansai 3 times. Maybe you can share some pictures you took in SAGA. I’m looking forward to see them. Thanks!:)
